If someone you did not know came up to you and asked for $20.00 to purchase some much needed hygienes, what would you do? Would you give them the $20.00 or better yet would you go and purchase the hygienes for them? I do believe, Christian or not, unless we know them, we would go and buy the hygienes for them, just to make sure they are not buying drugs or alcohol.
One more question; if someone asked you to be a mentor to them to learn to walk in the way of our Lord, what would your answer be? That one you would have to think about, right? But what if the mentoring would be in letter form? Yeah, that would be easier.
There are so many women that need you as a mentor and who desperately need hygienes that they do not have access to unless they break the rules. These women are in our Texas prisons.
If they do not have someone on the outside helping them, they do not get shampoo, conditioner, deodorant and very little soap and toothpaste.
I know all of this is true because I was one of these women. I spent 10 years in different units in the state prison. For the first 6 years I had a wonderful person that took care of me very well, but the last 4 years I had no help. Because of that I had to do more time. You see, I broke the rules to get the shampoo, conditioner, soap, and deodorant that I needed. I began washing clothes for another prisoner and was caught. The prison system calls this “operating a business inside a state facility”. I had my trustee status taken away, was moved to a more secure unit, endured 60 days of lockdown but most of all I was denied parole for 3 more years. All of that so I could have some hygienes.
I believe I had to go through all of that to see what so many other women must continually go through in our prison system. It was put on my heart at that time that I would do everything I could to keep these women from going through what I did. God word tells us, “Remember the prisoners as if chained with them—those who are mistreated—since you yourselves are in the body also.” And this is why I’m asking you now to help these women too, that they will not have to go through breaking the rules to get necessary hygienes, and what’s more important tell them about Jesus. They are wanting this so desperately right now. As with me, God had to allow me to be in a place where I would listen to Him. I have always been very self-sufficient and hardheaded, and I believed didn’t need anybody. But God showed me how much I do need Him and allowed me to be in that place to hear Him. Do I regret the time I spent in prison? No. Because I know now what I was missing. These women realize that they are missing something too and want to find it. Now is the time to show them Jesus; to show them what they are missing too.
Will you help me to help them?